Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Anderson Cooper, on his daily talk show, "ANDERSON", had  a show entitled "Renegade Moms" (you can watch the episode online),  the big deal was about "pink slime" found in ground beef; that was fine & dandy, but what really made my mind blow up with optimism was the mom who took matters into her own hands to battle her twins' disease ( they suffer from what is commonly known as "childhood Alzheimer") and discovered that by infusing  "cyclodextrin" directly to the brain this sugary substance made her daughters significantly better; by chance she  found it can also benefit HIV patients.

I do not mean to minimize  any of the moms whether it was the one championing "pink slime" or the tragic death of the other mom who lost her daughters to car rental negligence, but I wish they had focused a bit more on such a promising and easily available substance such as cyclodextrin with it's multiple effects. Anderson should have elaborated on this fact or even had a show on all new advances on HIV/AIDS, maybe he will. so far the show is a home run

 "September 23, 2010 – Oakland, Calif. – Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland announced today that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted clearance of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to introduce Trappsol® Cyclo™ (Hydroxypropyl Beta Cyclodextrin or HPßCD) into the brains of six year old identical twin girls dying of a rare brain-destroying cholesterol disease called Niemann Pick Type C (NPC). Known as “childhood Alzheimer’s,”

Approximately 500 children worldwide have been diagnosed with double genetic mutations on the Niemann Pick Type C cholesterol gene, yet what scientists learn about these children may have implications that reach far beyond this ultra rare genetic cholesterol disease. Recent published research reports of the role for the NPC1 gene in Alzheimer’s disease and human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) make Niemann Pick Type C disease and gene research relevant to millions of people worldwide.


Today I find out that by 2025 we will be ahead of the disease that hits about 5 million people a year. They are being very successful about using an insulin filled inhaler. great strides are being made with this :

 "Researchers from the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle found that patients who received an insulin nasal spray experienced improved memory when compared to those who did not receive the spray treatment. Alzheimer’s patients in the study also showed better overall daily function..." Go to ABC "INHALED INSULIN for ALZHEIMER" for more details.

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