Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Martha Marcy May Marlene"-(2011)-MOVIE

My curiosity in seeing this film is that I had never seen Elizabeth Olsen( the prettiest sister of the Olsen twins) in anything and had heard good word-of-mouth about her acting chops.


The movie itself  is painfully slow paced. Although I'm fascinated by cults (just like drag queens, I love to see what makes them tick-it's hard to wrap my head around both), yet this was a boring expose of the cult Olsen's character belongs. I don't recommend it unless you want to see a study in good acting from everyone (John Hawkes, Hugh Dancy, Snand Paulson, et al.). I found the script uninteresting and the directing average at best. Only one lighting dissolve was really brilliant. Although promoted as a psychological thriller it evoked melodrama at times (as in the boat scene).

Elizabeth Olsen is among this generation of brilliant actors, such as:  Emma Stone, Bryce Howard, Ben McKenzie, the Gummer sisters (Meryl's daughters) and especially Shailene Woodley.

I hate to see actors acting-lol.

 Let me explain, if the actor appears to be reading from the script, not allowing themselves  to submerge within the character, I'm disappointed and bored. Or if a star repeats the same emotions, reactions, mannerisms in every movie, then, to me, they are not interesting actors-simply stars--yawn!

Few are Viola Davis, Helen Mirren, Edward Norton, Meryl Streep and the like (in them you never see the acting, they ARE the characters they play, which makes them fascinating when examining their entire body of work).
The other side of that coin are Julia Roberts, George Clooney, etc. (likable but no surprises EVER!) They are REDUNDANT -no element of depth and/or surprise. People pay to see THEM not a new character. It's always been that way in Hollywood.

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